Basic Linux commands for working with Files

  • echo

    This command is used to print whatever you write followed by command echo


    echo Hello, this will print "Hello" on the terminal

  • ls

    This command will list all the files and directories in a folder

    syntax - ls Directory_name

  • mkdir

    This command is used to create a new directory

    syntax- mkdir Directory_name

  • mkdir -p

    Used to create directory tree in one go

    syntax- mkdir -p /home/a/b/c

    This will create a directory tree like directory a > directory b > directory c

  • touch

    This is used to create an empty file

    syntax- touch file_name

  • cp

    This command is used to copy a file to another file

    syntax- cp source_file_name target_file_name

  • mv

    This command is used to move file from one location to another location

    syntax- mv source_file_location target_file_location

  • rm

    Used to delete any file

    syntax- rm file_name

  • cd

    Change directory

    syntax- cd location_of_directory

  • cd ..

    This is used to go back to the previous directory

    syntax- cd ..

  • cat

    To view contents of a file

    syntax- cat file_name

  • rm -r

    To delete a directory and its content

    syntax- rm -r directory_location or rm -r directory_name

  • cp -r

    To copy one directory from one location from one location to another

    syntax- cp -r source_directory_location target_directory_location

  • mv

    To move a file from one location to another

    syntax- mv source_file_location target_file_location

  • whoami

    This will display which user is currently accessing the cli

  • id

    Display more info about the user example user_id , group_id

  • su

    It stands for switch user

    syntax- su user_name_you_want_to_switch

  • sudo

    This will provide the root level access to the user, that is all the permissions will be given to the user