Python code to send emails to anyone

To send emails in Python, you can use the built-in smtplib module, which allows you to connect to an SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server and send email messages. Additionally, you can use the email module to create and format email messages. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to send an email using Python:

  1. Import necessary modules:

    import smtplib

    from email.mime.text import MIMEText

    from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart

  2. Set up your email and SMTP server details:

    Replace these values with your own email and SMTP server details sender_email = '' receiver_email = ''

    smtp_server = ''

    smtp_port = 587 # Use 465 for SSL/TLS connections smtp_username = '' smtp_password = 'your_email_password

  3. Compose the email message:

    subject = 'Test Email'

    body = 'This is a test email sent from Python.'

    # Create a MIMEText object to represent the email body

    msg = MIMEText(body)

    # Add the sender, recipient, and subject to the email headers

    msg['From'] = sender_email

    msg['To'] = receiver_email

    msg['Subject'] = subject

  4. Connect to the SMTP server and send the email:

    1. try:

      # Connect to the SMTP server

      server = smtplib.SMTP(smtp_server, smtp_port)

      server.starttls() # Upgrade the connection to a secure SSL/TLS connection

      # Log in to the SMTP server

      server.login(smtp_username, smtp_password)

      # Send the email

      server.sendmail(sender_email, receiver_email, msg.as_string())

      print('Email sent successfully!')

      except Exception as e:

      print(f'Error sending email: {e}')


      # Close the connection to the SMTP

      server server.quit()

  5. Make sure to replace the placeholder values in the sender_email, sender_password, and receiver_emails variables with appropriate email addresses and credentials. The send_email function will send the email to all the recipients listed in the receiver_emails list.

    Note that in the above example, we are assuming you are using Gmail as the SMTP server. If you are using a different SMTP server, make sure to modify the smtp_server and smtp_port variables accordingly. Additionally, be aware that some email providers may require you to enable "less secure apps" or generate an "app password" for the script to work correctly. Always take appropriate security measures when handling email credentials in your code.